  • Auto-decline $0 rewards
    : Previously, if a commission was updated to be $0 -- either due to a cancelled/refunded order, or ineligibility based on program settings -- the reward was still left in due status. After this improvement, any reward that is worth $0 gets auto-declined so that it's out of the way and no longer hanging in due or processing.
  • Member search improvements
    : Previously, the member log could only be searched by exact match for a member's email address or referral code. After this improvement, the member log can be searched by any portion of the member's first name, last name, email address, or referral code. For example, if your member's name is "Jane Doe", you can search "ja", and the search results will populate that member, as well as any other members who have "ja" in their name, email, or referral code.
  • $0 reward bug:
    There was a bug where if a commission was zeroed out due to a cancelled/refunded order or ineligibility, the order connected to that reward would be hidden from the member's profile and the orders page. This has been fixed; so even if the reward is $0 or declined, the order that was generated in connection with that reward is still visible and tracked/counted within all parts of the interface.